the causes of the варикоза your häbememokad and treatment

cirs expand häbememokad of the most exposed:

  • Pregnant women;
  • Who has excess body weight;
  • Those who lead a passive lifestyle (a lack of sports and other активностей);
  • People are long-term and sedentary work-time;
  • Affects hormonal therapy;
  • Regular overloading of the gym (especially if you increase the gravity in an upright position);
  • The availability of the chronic inflammation of the genital system;
  • Too frequent visits to the bath or sauna;
  • Problems with the work of the digestive tract;
  • Someone in your close relatives sick swelling of varicose.

Patients in these categories should be paid enough attention to your сосудам. If you have a failure of the valves in the veins or weakness of the vascular walls, you are also prone to swelling of varicose.

If pregnant women to avoid the emergence of quam swelling of varicose is almost impossible, then the rest of the cases, you can try to warn of the emergence of the given pathology. If you have excess weight try to get rid of it through proper nutrition and moderate physical load. For those who a lot of sitting, is recommended more to walk around and deal with. If you submit any diseases — loans for their treatment. Fans изматывать yourself in the hall is better to restrict yourself to this.

Enough to cheat yourself

Before, if read on, I ask you 1 question. You still looking for a tool quam swelling of varicose that help you?

I would like to mention you disappoint, there is no CREAM that will get rid of quam swelling of varicose.

And all the "medicines" that are sold in pharmacies and advertise on the internet - it is an ongoing divorce. Marketers simply doing their naivety big money.

The reasons quam swelling of varicose häbememokad of pregnant

If a woman is pregnant, her body is undergoing many changes. As to ensure homeostasis in the body of the fetus, the mother, the organism tolerates high congestion. This may be the reason that the future mother will appear in some new pathology and exasperetur those who have chronic form. A number of these diseases applies to quam swelling of varicose. quam swelling of varicose veins in the genital lips may be a manifestation of disturbed function of the blood vessels not only in the groin and also the entire body.

Pregnant quam swelling of varicose genitals will develop, because:
  • The growth of the uterus. Under the growing and the uterus is because of this expanding. As a consequence, the process increases significantly the pressure on the blood vessels, which are located in a small bowl. Disturbed processes, blood circulation and occurs quam swelling of varicose.
  • The growth of the circulation of the blood. If pregnancy the amount of blood is increasing due to the fact that he now is still needed and for a child. Is cardiovascular the mother proved to be strong in the load and, in particular, suffer from a vein. When comparing артериальными ship, you are in the veins of the indicators of the density and the elasticity is much less, thus they are stronger prone to damage.
  • The increase in concentration of progesterone. This is one of the main female hormones, from the 1. trimester it starts to синтезироваться much more active. This kind of amount of hormone can cause дегенеративно-дистрофические disorders and changes in the structure of collagen fibers. If the mother is delayed hormonal imbalances even before the pregnancy, also it may be the reason, quam swelling of varicose häbememokad.
  • Weight gain. Due to the fact that the weight of the female physiological norm increases, increasing the load of the body. As already it is clear that most suffer from венозные blood vessels. Of them the most as the engine for change are those that are located closer to the skin surface. The fact of the matter is that the normal deeper veins take place due to support your muscles. A large part of ven pelvis belongs to the surface

quam swelling of varicose veins in the genital lips may the same occur because of hereditary predisposition. If anyone has his parents (especially the female line) had this disease, then it is likely that this is also for you. quam swelling of varicose häbememokad of may occur during pregnancy as well as after it.

Clinical picture

If quam swelling of varicose häbememokad, he is very articulate and remind the same, which occurs when the normal quam swelling of varicose varicose veins on the legs. The distinction between such signs of penis quam swelling of varicose:

  • Swelling of the subcutaneous veins;
  • Irritation and itching of the skin the skin;
  • Increase and деформирование häbememokad;
  • Dry skin in the groin, make the color pink a pale-синюшный;
  • The appearance of the stars and the nodes are of different sizes;
  • Pulling pain in the groin and general discomfort;
  • The pain during sex.

If you discover such symptoms wife immediately need to contact your gynecologist. In order to confirm the diagnosis quam swelling of varicose häbememokad of пациентку sent gave a general blood test (special attention is given to platelet levels), коагулограмму (an important indicator of the international нормализованного relations), the analysis of the fibrinogen A and D-димеры.

After laboratory investigations are made of the ULTRASOUND and other research-status of blood vessels. Diagnosis confirmation of a woman be directed to a treatment at a phlebologist.


If the pathological process is not to be faced not only veresoonkond, and the uterus, ovaries and all other organs of the pelvis. Such processes can compromise the flow of the pregnancy and the fetus. quam swelling of varicose häbememokad often becomes the reason самопроизвольного interrupt pregnancy and fertility.

This is due to the fact that there will be a physiological barrier to the normal implantation of the embryo. Wrong forms the placenta. Intimate quam swelling of varicose can cause a variety of pathology in the body itself the child and the external deformation.